Rest In Peacekeeping, Third World War Propaganda
Rest In Peacekeeping" it's a visceral critique of the pervasive culture of war and the intricate web of deceit that sustains it.
Art for Memory and Dissent: Parajanov and Armenian Art
My Journey through Pomegranates and Resistance in Yerevan During a recent trip to Armenia, specifically the city of Yerevan and its surroundings, I was struck by the vibrant and di
Dialogue Pistol Acquired at Pandolfini Art Auction
In a remarkable turn of events, following a counter bid, my NFT artwork titled “Dialogue Pistol” has been acquired during the highly anticipated Digital Invasion Art Au
Artist Statement
With an unapologetic representation of sexual phantasies, taboos, and vulnerabilities, my work wants to highlight freedom of expression in its purest form.
Carnet Erotique, The Silent Language of the Body
Intimate and unrepeatable moments, captured in a notebook as one-of-a-kind NFT art pieces The body holds a powerful expressiveness beyond the limits of language. With its uniq
10 Years of Weird Love
An exclusive NFT collection celebrating 10 years from the release of the iconic poster series. Love can be a bargaining chip, a blackmail weapon, a source of deliverance, and a swe
What Happened to Julian Assange?
Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was taken from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11th, 2019, and detained for alleged crimes against the United States. These crim
Digital Invasion: L’asta d’arte contemporanea di Pandolfini
Dal 19 al 28 giugno, la storica casa d’aste Pandolfini apre le sue porte virtuali per l’asta “Digital Invasion”, curata da Claudio Francesconi.&nb
Il coraggio di Pippo Fava
Quarant’anni fa, il 5 gennaio 1984, la mafia uccideva Pippo Fava, giornalista, fondatore e direttore de “I Siciliani”, un mensile che aveva il coraggio di raccont
Il Pittore Fascista e il Poeta Partigiano
Sul finire della conflitto, nel fatidico giorno del 25 aprile 1945, Sironi, fascista della prima ora e noto per le sue opere di propaganda del regime, decise di intraprende una r